Thursday, December 29, 2016


For an over-thinker like me, it has been a big issue for me to worry. I worry every single moment which I know will come. I know it is not a good attitude because it shows how faithless and fearful I am. And I admit. I am scared. I fear. I am intimidated. I am not good enough. I fear failure and rejection. So, I worry.

But God is a promise keeper.

He said,

"Therefore do not worry about tomorrow for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own" -Matthew 6:34, NIV

It is true. Worry reflects that I do not trust God enough. In this chapter of the Bible, Jesus explained how He provides even for the birds. So if He can provide the needs of the birds, how much more he can provide for His children?

My confidence is now founded in God. He is showing me how He handles my every day life. It is not perfect. There will always be challenges and problems but the promise is I am not facing it alone.

Ever since I came here i Dubai, God reveals His power and faithfulness in my life every day. He is above all authorities here on Earth. I have learned to surrender everything under His authority, declaring that every areas of my life is under His power and sovereignty. He is God.

We should know who God is in our lives. Without knowing Him and what He can do, we cannot live  worry-free lives. In Him, there is no fear and insecurities because in Him we are living victoriously.

If you are worrying right now, maybe in your jobs, families, health, financial, relationships, I encourage you to trust God and surrender it to His authority and you will see how God can move and change your situation. There is always hope in God. You just got to believe the Promise Keeper.

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